Monday, April 26, 2021

Pursuing Passion and Purpose - Dr Sangeetha Madhu and Vani Bhardwaj


A prevalent phrase in contemporary times is a variant of ‘follow your passion’. Everyone seems to be looking for something that makes them feel alive, and drives their life into eternal contentment. However, passion and purpose are more complex than that. How do we find our passion, and what do we do after?

Difference between passion and purpose:

Being passionate about something allows us to feel profoundly and enthusiastically about it; it is the emotions and motivation to do what makes us feel good. Our purpose is the reason or the ‘why’ we do what we do, primarily for others. While passion may come and go or fade away, our purpose remains with us, helping us navigate through life and into doing what makes us happy and contribute to others.

Which one to choose?

Research has pointed out that people who believe that passion can be developed instead of being found are more likely to persevere when things get hard, put in consistent work, and stick around to reap the fruit. While our passion helps us get started, our purpose allows us to stay focused and put our minds to what we do!

Unveiling passionand purpose:

 Understanding that passion is developed rather than found helps us take action towards both.Reflection is key in understanding our ‘what’ and ‘why’. Some questions that may help in the growth of our passion and purpose are:


·         What pursuits would inspire and give meaning to you?

·         What impact would you like to make on others?

·         What are your unique gifts and superpowers?

·         Who have you been when you’ve been at your best?

·         Who must you fearlessly become?

As we begin to reshape our life to align our purpose and passion we can certainly move past our self-limiting beliefs. Adopting a growth mindset, cultivating our passion and focussing on our purpose will helpus lead a significant and meaningful life.


Moore, K. (2015). The Great Power of Connecting Passion with Purpose. Forbes.

Khazan, O. (2018). Find your passion is awful advice. The Atlantic.